First off, I love love love Chelsea Handler. Her and I have a half-jew bond :) She is so funny and I loved everything she said. When she got into the hot tub with the people from Jersey Shore and came out pregnant, omg wayyy too funny. People keep saying they didn't like her, but I thought she rocked. I don't know, maybe its our jewish bond that makes me like her, but my boyfriend also thought she was funny. I don't get why people didn't like her, she was saying the same type of stuff she does about celebrities on her show, Chelsea Lately, but she just didn't have other people there also commenting. The part where she did the meet and greet for the Best New Artist Award was funny. When she did the voice changer thing like Jason Derulo does in every song, I thought that was clever. I mean everyone makes fun of him for it anyways. Also, when she said she wanted to party with Ke$ha, I mean Chelsea talks about vodka all the time anyways! OMG, and when she walked out with the house on her head and released the dove, priceless. She does such a good job of making fun of these celebrities and all the crazy stuff they do. Everyone knows Lady Gaga's hats are crazy, but we all love her for it. Chelsea hit the nail right on the head if you ask me :)
Now, lets move on to some of the performances. Eminem is amazing! He lives down the street from me in Michigan, and honestly, if you are from anywhere near Detroit, you just have to like him. He is so talented and he isn't just another "rap artist" who raps about "smoking the blunt" or "getting some action" or whatever else these degrading rappers decide to talk about. No, he talks about real life, and writes from person experiences. Yes, he has had a few songs about sex, but the two he did last night, Not Afarid, and Love the Way You Lie, they are such great songs. Rihanna on the other hand, was a hot frickin mess. She looked like the bride of chucky, only worse. Holy shit people, why would you let her go onstage like that. Her wig was a hot mess, her shirt looked like it went threw a shredder, her skirt looks like the tu-tu I wore when I was three in ballet class, and then ARMY BOOTS! Hell no! She also sounded like crap, just saying.
Oh, I forgot to even mention the first performers, Nikki Minaj and because they sucked! I used to like Nikki Minaj, until I saw her. Her voice does not match what she looked like, plus she sucks like. What was with the spandex jump suit and cotten candy hair. That pink hair only works on Frenchie from Grease and P!nk girl! just looked like he fell into tar. I hardly even remember them performing it was so bad!
Next was my little ball of love, JUSTIN BIEBER! Well we all know I gots major Bieberfever, so when I saw him pull up in his cute little car and jump out, I almost started crying. I wish my boyfriend would have taken a picture of me jumping up and down on my bed screaming and dancing. He is so cute, and so damn talented. Everyone thinks he will just die out after his voice changes, HELL NO, not my little Bieber. Think about all the singers now, who started when they were pre-puberity, and are still amazing....
- Justin Timberlake
- Usher
- Jesse McCartney
- David Archuleta
Now Usher, I love his music, and usually like his performances, but I swear to you he has done this show before. He has lasers in his Love in This Club video, and like 7 others, not to mention at every single performance he has done. I feel like he needs to change his style. Justin Bieber, whom he mentors, did wayyy better then him. I like the song O.M.G, but I was updating my facebook status threw half of his song, because although it was great to listen to, nothing super exciting and the performance.
T.Swizzle, I love you girl, but I was not a huge fan of this performance. It was good that you tried to address the Kayne issue, but I don't like when artists only sing one song, and its not a song that is a hit. She should have done Mine, or Fifteeen. I really don't have too much to say about her, only because I love her music, and don't want to talk down on her.
Oh Jimmy, I mean Aubrey, I mean DRAKE. Omg too many names for one person. I seriously will always see him as Jimmy, the nice boy, who got shot, while dating Ashley, on Degrassi. I understand that people should not be seen as one character for their whole life, but I mean, Jimmy did not rap about "getting bitches" and "kush rollin". It is a disappointment. I mean, I listen to some of his music, but like Taylor Swift, I did not know this song, therefore, I honestly didn't care. Most people who listen to music, just listen to songs by the artist that are on the radio, and working for a radio station, I have never heard this one. Mary J Blige is amazinggg though :)
I am going to lump the next few performance into one, because I did not care for them too much. I like B.o.B. and I like Paramore, but both performance sucked! B.o.B. only sang one line from two songs, and Paramore only did one verse. BORINGGG!!!! Who even needed that performance. I would have rather seen Lady Gaga. Also, Linkin Park, they are good, I have seen them live, but I think they replaces one member of the band, and it just was not all that exciting. A lot of performers did slow songs on the VMA's, and I'm not sure why.
And lastly, the big pink (well in his case with that god awful suit, red) elephant in the room, the douche himself we should all toast to, Kanye West. What a loser!!!! I mean I guess his song had some good lines, but "Lets toast to the douche bags?" WTF was he thinking. He should have stuck with a classic, like Gold Digger with my big lump of Milk Chocolatly goodness, Jamie Foxx. Kayne needs a life besides writing songs for T.Swift that she doesn't want to play, and singing about ass holes. Someone get him a new hobby! And what a WASTE of those poor girls ballet training. I don't think people who have not been dancers understand how much money it takes to be trained. Its years and years of money, classes, performances, costumes, only to be wasted on Kayne.
Now lets talk about my fave, Lady Gaga! Her outfits were amazing. She looked so beautiful, and she talked about such a good cause, getting rid of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for gays in the military. She uses her fame to shine light on these issues, that would not usually get any attention. Well, her outfits...
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Alexander McQueen Dress |
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Armani |
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Franc Fernandez Dress Made of Meat |
Thats all for now. Will update again later :)
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