About Bambi

So, I'm Katharine, not Bambi. Bambi is my stripper name. Yes, I know, very origional. This blog is all about my view, on whatever I see. Hope you all enjoy :)


PETA Offers To Pay LiLo's Rehab Bill

PETA, finding out that Linds has fallen on "tough economic times" has offered to help pay for her rehab…under one condition.

She has to live substance free, including the most toxic substance, MEAT!

The letter sent to Lindsay read:
Dear Lindsay,
We understand that you've fallen on tough economic times, so we're writing to you with an offer that we sincerely hope you'll consider.
PETA will help pay your $50,000 bill for substance addiction treatment if you'll rid yourself of one more toxic substance: meat. As you know, a crucial part of any recovery is showing charity to others. One way to do this is to be kind to animals, the Earth, and your own body. You'll never regret it.
When animals are crammed together on factory farms, disease spreads fast, so cows, chickens, and other animals are fed large amounts of antibiotics to make them grow more quickly and keep them alive in filthy conditions that would otherwise kill them. However, the health risks involved in using such methods are so great that many countries have banned the use of antibiotics and hormones in animals who are raised and killed for food. In addition to feeding antibiotics to animals who are raised for food, farmers in the U.S. give powerful growth-stimulating steroids to cattle, which means that you ingest drugs every time you take a bite of chicken, pork, fish, or beef. Many animals are also sprayed with pesticides. And consuming animal-derived products exposes you to pathogens such as E. coli, listeria, and campylobacter. Finally, much of the meat sold in the U.S. is contaminated with fecal bacteria.
The good news is that a clean, tasty vegan diet can provide all the nutrients that you need, minus the contaminants, saturated fat, and cholesterol that are found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy foods. Vegans also have stronger immune systems than meat-eaters. It's all good news.
Today, stores carry everything from soy "Buffalo wings" to fakin' bacon and fib ribs—not to mention a wealth of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, and more—so it has never been easier to go vegan. California rehabilitation centers have a great reputation for catering to vegan patients too. To help guide your decision, we'll be sending you our new "Glass Walls" DVD, narrated by Sir Paul McCartney, and our vegetarian/vegan starter kit, which is full of useful information.
Please let us know if you'd like to take us up on our offer. I can be reached at [contact information redacted].
Best wishes,
Michelle Cho

We wonder if LiLo will be interested in giving up meat…Do U think she should go vegetarian??

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